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What are CTR, CPC & RPM in Google Adsense Account?

Increase your Earnings - TOP earnings from home

There are a large number of webmasters active on the web, who know everything about Google Adsense, Web designing, and Web Development. They are seniors and they can do whatever they want to do. But also many new comers are coming to the world of blogging and they enthusiastically want to earn money with Adsense too. So sometimes they get confused when they see CTR, CPC or RPM in Google Adsense Account. So this post is for those who don't know about CTR, CPC and RPM in Adsense Account. Start with it.

Most Adsense High Paying Keywords are related to business and Loans, so this keyword is also belonging to Banking. This keyword worth is Max $40 for a single adsense click. Its mean this keyword can pay a minimum of $5 for a single click from Google Ads. currently I am researching about all top Adsense High Paying Keywords of 2012. in upcoming posts I will tell you about more keywords.

Written by:

Adsense Guru


  1. author 3
    Stephen November 22, 2048 11:25 pm

    Vestibulum ultrices. Pellentesque tempus sapien nec sem commodo ullamcorper. Aenean neque.

    1. author 5
      Joshua November 24, 2048 10:50 pm

      Vestibulum lectus sem, porttitor non molestie quis, pulvinar nec nulla. Maecenas id orci vitae lectus fermentum posuere.

      1. author 6
        Daniel November 26, 2048 11:22 am

        Vestibulum eget ligula et ipsum laoreet aliquam sed ut risus.  Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes.

  2. author 4
    Edward November 28, 2048 07:55 am

    Nulla sagittis elit in enim ullamcorper vitae tincidunt metus bibendum.

  3. author 5
    Collen November 30, 2048 08:30 am

    Curabitur sem ante, condimentum non, cursus quis, eleifend non, libero. Nunc a nulla. Suspendisse vitae orci a ligula egestas bibendum.

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